Resources for the Writing Process
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Digital Content (6-12) Resources: (+++All sources are cited!!)
Discovery Education - good writing resources, many of which are editable.
Search "Argumentative writing,"
"writing process," etc.
SIRS Knowledge Source - many current controversial issues
with essential questions and articles for different viewpoints on the issues.
SIRS provides a comprehensive research guide for writing
an argumentative essay using their database.
The guide is also helpful to gain an overview of the process.
Opposing Viewpoints - current controversial issues supported with
many viewpoint articles and other types of resources
Instructional Tools Resources:
Use EasyBib for citing sources. See Lauren for the coupon code.
Microsoft Online provides access to the Microsoft Office Suite as well as One Drive.
Video Resources (short) to use in teaching writing
(curated by your Library Media Specialist):
Resources Curated by Larry Ferlazzo, Educator Extraordinaire:
You may tweak this as needed for your assignment.
If your students are using evidence from texts or other research, please add
source citations/use of EasyBib into the rubric.
Tools/Handouts for Research/Writing
Website Evaluation

BCPL Writing Lab for Students
Through our partnership with BCPL, students with SAIL library cards
(see Ms. Magnuson for applications, if needed) have access to a Writing Lab
housed in the BrainFuse database. Not only can they access tools to help with their writing, they can actually submit their writing for review and feedback.

A detailed manual researched and written by the
Institute of Education Sciences (US Dept. of Ed)
Filled with very practical. helpful information on teaching writing
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