
Library of Congress Primary Resources

Page history last edited by Lauren Magnuson 6 years, 11 months ago

Library of Congress Primary Sources


Using Library of Congress Primary Sources in Instruction

Session Description & Outcome: Get a glimpse of the presenter's week at the LOC Summer Teacher Institute, explore the LOC website, analyze a primary source using the LOC Primary Source Analysis tool, and connect to resources for use in instruction.

Audience: All Levels

Facilitator(s): Lauren Magnuson, Kenwood HS, Baltimore County 



Overview of Lauren's week at LOC and How you could apply for the Summer Teacher Institute (5 mins)

Primary Source Analysis activity (model of how to do the activity with students) (20 mins)

Overview of LOC website (10 mins)

Time to explore LOC website (10 mins)

Reflection (5 mins)




Primary Source Analysis Tool (link to PDF on LOC site)

Primary Source Analysis Tool Digital Version

Teacher Guides for Analysis Tools by type

Teacher's Home Page on LOC

Self-directed Online Modules for Professional Development

Photo for analysis  About the Photo


Observation Lesson (with all the pieces) on Chinese Immigration Lauren co-taught with U.S. History teacher. Feel free to use/modify for your own purposes.


2nd Observation Lesson (with all the pieces) on Industrialization Lauren co-taught with U.S. History teacher. Feel free to download from the OneDrive folder and modify.


Document Analysis "Say, Mean, Matter" tool  created for elementary and middle school but could be tweaked for high school (for primary or secondary sources) Document Analysis Sheet ES SAY MEAN MATTER.pdf


Practical Ideas for using Primary Sources in your instruction



  • Let's chat: How can you introduce LOC primary sources/analysis to your teachers and students? 
  • Please take this short survey.



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